Release the Old and Embrace the New
With the largest moon in 68 years conditions are prime to enjoy the moons energies releasing old patterns and things that don’t serve you and embracing the new. Powerful opportunity for reflection and release of any negative energies and blockages. Essentially letting go to make space for new beginnings, new intentions and new ways of being. Create a moment for yourselves to pause within the busy-ness, an intentional moment to reflect and become more connected. I’ve been researching & ultimately drawn instinctively the oils to support a full moon cleanse. You may like to use these or a combination of your own:
- Cypress-teaches the soul how to let go of the past by moving with the flow of life.
- Lemongrass-a powerful emotional cleanser.
- Sandalwood – meditative connector, calm the mind, still the heart spiritual clarity.
- Melaleuca-releases co-dependent and parasitic relationships.
- Rose-letting go and receiving Divine love and grace.
- Rosemary-aids in transition and change.
- Wild Orange-helps you to detach from drama and relax into their own creativity.
- Jasmine – uplifting, anti-depressant, euphoric, draw wealth, luck, justice, harmony.
- Frankincense – enlightened, loved, protected, wisdom, spiritually open, connection with father
You may choose to dilute them with carrier oil on the skin, place neat in your bath. You may choose to write you down the things you are letting go over and burn them, setting them free by the moon light. Here is a beautiful phrase a friend shared to help you cleanse by the moonlight
I choose to accept that which is mine…. mine is that of unconditional love and light
I ask to let go of all that does not serve my higher self… please release it into the universe with love
Then it is best to set your intentions….
We have a little collection of beautiful Moon stories we will read, to celebrate the supermoon. One of my children has a deep attraction to the moon, always pointing it out to me since she was a baby. I’m super excited as I will get to cleanse by the moon enjoying an outdoor aquafit session that always uplifts and brings joy.
Tonight the new SuperMoon will rise approx. 5:56pm Central Qld & 5:45pm Sth East Qld.
Happy Full Moon Blessings – may it be super blessed for you!